We present a case report from Dr. Javier Moreno (Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Spain) of a patient suffering from ventricular tachycardia. The MRI shows a scar in basal and middle segments of the inferior-lateral face of the left ventricle.
Before the procedure
The analysis of the DICOM was performed by ADAS 3D and the result showed an endocardial-transmural scar in the lateral wall with a main corridor, going from base to apex in the lateral wall.

During the procedure
In the procedure, the MRI analysis was imported in the Ensite and visualized by the physician. Then, late activation and voltage maps were performed using the HD grid catheter. The correlation was good between the scar of the EAM and the MRI analysis. Late activation map showed a slow conduction area which correlates directly with the main corridor of the MRI.
Ventricular tachycardia was induced and the diastolic potential was found in the same area of late potential. The ablation was performed in this area. Finally, EAM and MRI analysis were registered and showed a good correlation.

After the procedure
After the procedure*, the EAM maps were imported into ADAS 3D and compared with the MRI analysis. In the following image it is shown a good correlation between MRI analysis and EAM voltage map. The scar is found in the lateral wall.
*This feature is not available for clinical use in the USA

Thank you Dr. Moreno for sharing this case with us. If you want to share your successful cases analysed with ADAS 3D, please fill in this form.